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Number dynamics of wheel animalcules (Rotatoria) in biological water-purification system of cellulose-and-paper industrial complex


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The analysis of the variability of the number of rotifers living in the treatment plants of the pulp and paper mill is performed, depending on external and internal factors: on the time of the year, on the temperature of the environment, on the technological regimes for conducting technological processes.Rotifers, constituting along with the protozoa the second trophic level in the biocoenosis of aerotanks, maintain the number of dispersed bacteria at a minimum level, thus preventing the suspended substances from transporting into the water basin. They also serve as one of the elements of the indication of the state of the oxidation system and the quality of the purified water.Timofeev N.P. Number dynamics of wheel animalcules (Rotatoria) in biological water-purification system of cellulose-and-paper industrial complex / Invertebrate Animals Diversity in the North: Abstracts Second International Conference. Syktyvkar, Komi Scientific Center Ural Branch of RAS, 2001. – P. 147-148.Заголовок автора: Dynamics of Rotatoria in biological water-purification system cellulose-paper industrial complex | Анализ изменчивости численности коловраток в очистных сооружениях целлюлозно-бумажного комбината Ключевые слова: целллозно-промышленный комбинат; гидробиология; биологическая очистка сточных вод; аэротенки; активный ил; биоценоз; бактерии; простейшие; инфузории; коловратки; амебы раковинные; способы питания; взвешенные вещества; факторы изменчивости; сезонная динамика; температура; регенерация; эффективность очистки; биоиндикация Keywords: cellulose industrial complex; hydrobiology; biological wastewater treatment; aerotanks; activated sludge; biocenosis; bacteria; protozoa; ciliates; rotifers; amoebae shells; nutrition methods; suspended substances; factors of variability; seasonal dynamics; temperature; regeneration; efficiency cleaning; bioindication;


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