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Composition Variability of Phytoecdysteroids in Agrocenoses and Their Role in the Vulner-ability of Plants to Phytophagans


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It was revealed that the enhancement of the activity of phytophagans coincides with biochemical changes in the composition of ecdysteroids, possessing various kinds of physiological activity, and is accompanied by damage of reproductive organs. During the age-related changes in ontogenesis and seasonal development during the vegetative period, the individual share of physiologically active ecdysteroid 20-hydroxyecdysone decreases, while the low-activity ecdysteroids inokosterone and ecdysone are accumulated in generative sprouts. Timofeev N.P. Composition variability of phytoecdysteroids in agrocenoses and their role in the vulnerability of plants to phytophagans (Report 2. Ecological relations of the agropopulаtions of ecdysteroid-containing plants Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin and Serratula coronata L. with the insects-phytophagans) // Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2009, Vol. 2, N 6, pp. 531-541. Заголовок автора: Зависимость повреждения левзеи и серпухи насекомыми от биологической активности экдистеронов Ключевые слова: лекарственные растения; левзея сафлоровидная; рапонтикум сафлоровидный; большеголовник альпийский; маралий корень; серпуха венценосная; агропопуляции; онтогенез; состав экдистероидов; активность экдистероидов; инактивация экдистероидов; 20-гидроксиэкдизон; экдистерон; экдизон; инокостерон; насекомые-вредители; поражаемость вредителями; левзея вредители; серпуха вредители; условия культивирования; повреждения травоядными Keywords: medicinal plants; Leuzea carthamoides; Rhaponticum carthamoides; Stemmacantha carthamoides; maral root; Serratula coronаta; agropopulations; ontogenesis; ecdysteroid composition; ecdysteroid activity; inactivation ecdysteroids; 20-hydroxyecdysone; ecdysterone; ecdysone; inocosterone; insects-pests; vulnerability pests; serratula pests; cultivation conditions; herbivore damage;

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